Get organized in the garden this summer with our Summer Garden Jobs Planner. If you are in need of some extra motivation to get your garden jobs done this summer, or you would like to plan out your goals for your garden, this Summer Garden Jobs Planner is just what you need.
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Our Free Summer Garden Jobs Planner will inspire you to plan out your garden jobs for the summer. Prioritize the most important tasks and create daily weekly and monthly schedules for tasks such as watering, weeding, feeding, and other jobs unique to your space.

Simply click on the image to get your free PDF file, and read below for some tips on how to use the planner.
1. Garden Job Priorities
Use this first section for what ever are your most important jobs in the garden this summer, for some it may be pruning the fruit trees, others may simply put cut the grass or even start a garden from scratch!
2. Summer Garden Job Schedule
Here is where you will put your daily, weekly, monthly and once in the summer jobs. Include in this section your watering, feeding and weeding schedules as well as any pruning and mulching. Plus any jobs that are specific to your garden.
3. Color Palette Ideas
This section is a fun place to think about the overall feel of your garden this summer, what colors do you have, do they work together, does anything need adding, removing? What is your color palette?
4. Garden Goal for the summer
This is a space to get creative if you want to, what do you want your garden to feel like/ look like this summer? More plants? Less cluttered? Relaxing? Full of produce? Whatever it is, let this section help inform what is needed in the other sections.
If you want a more lush feeling to your space perhaps you need some more green plants and height in the garden, if your hoping for a lower maintenance garden then perhaps this summer is a time to try some drought tolerant varieties. There is no wrong answer, your goals are unique to your space!
5. New Plants to add in or start seeds
Now that you have your color palette and you know what your overarching goal is for the garden, this section is a place to put any new additions that may be needed to achieve your goal.
If you are hoping to add more relaxation and shade, you may want to add a tree this summer. There may be some annuals in your color palette that you’d like to get.
This section could even be as simple as which seeds or bulbs you want to start this summer to keep your colors blooming into the fall.
If you found this printable helpful, please check out our other articles and follow us on Pinterest for more garden tips.