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Here at the Little Garden house, we are in the process of creating a Tropical Garden in the patio area. As we are in Coastal California with sandy soils, cool temperatures and many windy days. We looked for plants that could give us a tropical feel in a small space, while being hardy to our weather.
Some of the best plants to create the Tropical look without needing a tropical climate are, Giant bird of paradise, Hardy Banana (we use less water than usual for our bananas), Tree Philodendron, Abutlon Flowering Maple, Passionfruit vine, Elephant Ear bulbs and Nasturtium. Below we will look at each and talk about how to use these plants to create a Tropical Garden in a small space.

1. Giant Bird of Paradise – Strelitzia nicolai
Unlike its smaller counterpart, the Strelitzia Reginae (regular bird of paradise) the Giant Bird of Paradise has large leaves and white and blue flowers. It is a fast-growing plant with a powerful root ball that can do some serious damage if planted incorrectly. This plant MUST be planted away from walls and structures, it will be very happy in a pot or in the center of the space. They get very big and can add lots of tropical charm to a space. They can get up to 20 feet tall, and have similar leaves to a banana.

2. Hardy Banana varieties such as Golden Finger
Another fast growing and tropical looking plant is the hardy varieties of Banana. Good choices include the Musa Bajoo and the Golden finger banana. In our tropical garden we have both a Golden finger and a reg banana. We have planted the red banana in a more sheltered position as it is more sensitive to the wind and the cold. Banana Trees need extra water in the warm months and cutting back in the winter.

3. Tree Philadendron
Often a houseplant, the Tree Philodendron can actually be grown outside in milder climates. Or brought into the garden just in the summer months if you are in a cooler Climate. The Tree Philodendron prefers morning sun and afternoon shade to prevent burning of the leaves. We have planted ours in a semi shady spot next to the banana.

4. Abutilon – Flowering Maple
This plant comes in a variety of colors, with Maple like foliage and exotic looking lantern shaped flowers. The Abutilon can add height, interest and texture to a tropical style garden. In ideal conditions this plant can reach 10 feet tall.
5. Passionfruit Vine
To create a Tropical feel in a small space, add a vine on a wall to give the illusion of depth. The passion fruit vine is fast growing, with incredible jungle like flowers and delicious fruit. Be sure to select an edible variety if you wish to have the delicious fruit each year.
6. Elephant Ear Bulbs
With large leaves the shape of an elephant’s ear, this plant provides an instant tropical feel to any space. They get huge, and can spready underground, so we recommend putting this plant in a large pot. Putting some tropical plants in pots has multiple advantages in the small garden, it adds instant height to the plant, allows you to add more water retention to the soil (How to add water retention to a potted plant) and you have the ability to relocate plants either to create space or to protect them in the winter.
7. Cactus Orchid – Disocactus ackermannii
To create a Tropical feel in a small space, add a vine on a wall to give the illusion of depth. The passion fruit vine is fast growing, with incredible jungle like flowers and delicious fruit. Be sure to select an edible variety if you wish to have the delicious fruit each year.
8. Nasturtium
Now to add a little more color. The Nasturtium is a very easy to grow and adaptable plant. It will grow fast and produce lots of beautiful (and edible) flowers. The flowers taste like cracked black pepper and go great in a salad. Maybe with some goat cheese! The leaves remind me of Lilly pads and create a soft tropical feel. There are trailing varieties and bush varieties depending on your needs. The trailing varieties will climb and drape across the ground or container they are growing in. We use them as underplanting and also in pots to create a cascading floral display. They are extremely easy to grow from seed.
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